Senin, 17 Desember 2012

cewek hot

lyric Justin Bieber- StuckIn the Moment

With you, 
With you, 
I wish we had another time, 
I wish we had another place...

Now Romeo & Juliet,They could never felt the way we felt,Bonnie & Clyde,Never had the highlight,We do,We do...
You and i both know it can't work,It's all fun and games,'til someone gets hurt,And i don't,I won't let that be you...
Now you don't wanna let go
,And i don't wanna let you know, 
There might be something real between us two, who knew? 
Now we don't wanna fall but, 
We're tripping in our hearts and it's reckless andclumsy, 
'cause i know you can't love me here...

I wish we had another time, 
I wish we had another place, 
But everything we have is stuck in the moment, 
And there's nothing my heart can do (Can Do), 
To fight with time and space 'cause, 
I'm still stuck in the moment with you...

See like Adam & Eve, 
Tragedy was a destiny, 
Like Sunny & Cher, 
I don't care, 
I got you baby...

See we both, 
Fightin' every inch of our fiber
,'cause in a way, 
It's gonna end right but, 
We are both too foolish to stop...
Now you don't wanna let go,
 And i don't wanna let you know, 
There might be something real between us two, 
who knew? 
And we don't wanna fall but, 
We're tripping in our hearts and it's reckless andclumsy, 
And i know you can't love me here...

I wish we had another time, 
I wish we had another place, 
But everything we have is stuck in the moment, 
And there's nothing my heart can do (Can Do), 
To fight with time and space 'cause, 
I'm still stuck in the moment with you...

See like,Just because this cold cold world saying we can't be,Baby, we both have the right to decide we,And i ain't with it,And i don't wanna be so old and grey,And it isn't 'bout these better days,But convince just telling us to let go,So we'll never know...

I wish we had another time,I wish we had another place,'cause everything we did,And everything we have is stuck in the moment,Yeahhh...
I wish we had another time,I wish we had another place,But everything we have is stuck in the moment,And there's nothing my heart can do,(Nothing my heart can do),To fight with time and space 'cause,I'm still stuck in the moment with you,Yeah,Whoa whoa..

Rabu, 12 Desember 2012

Galdizta Astrid Bilhaqi Model Cantik , Cewek Toge

Cewek bertubuh mungil dan bermata sayu ini, adalah seorang model dari salah satu majalah dewasa gan. Cewek yang akrab dengan sebutan dizta ini tinggal di kawasan kalibata, Jakarta Selatan. Cewek yang mempunyai nama lengkap Galdizta Astrid Bilhaqi lahir pada tanggal 12 Desember 1990.


Usul punya usul nih gan, sayang sungguh sayang, fotonya sering disalahgunakan sama orang-orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab di dunia maya, terutama jejaring social facebook istilah anak mudanya di Plagiatin begitu. Kemaren ane liat ada yang pake foto si dizta, di jadi'i cewek bispak, cewek, lesbi. Haduh sabar atuh neng geulis!! Belum lagi dia di ribetin sama para KEPOWERS, waduh!!!! Kasian bangt yach!!! Goodluck aja deh buat mbak dizta, semoga para plagiatnya cepet sadar dan insaf. HeHeHe..............

Ane juga dapet fotonya yang jadul badai tapi tetep kece gan, sekitar tahun 2009 gitu kayaknya, seperti ini :

Sirena Rabita Cewek Cantik , Toket Gede Mulus.

 Cewek yang bertubuh kutilang, cantik yang akrab di panggil Rena ini, adalah seorang mahasiswa di Universitas Negeri Medan (UNIMED), yang juga suka berfose bugil hingga fotonya tersebar keseluruh dunia maya gan, atau bisa dibilang trandnya social media. Nama lengkapnya adalah Sirena Rabita gan, cek aja di twitternya @SirenaRabita , full gue liat fotonya sexy abis gan.

cantik kan gan?? hihiiii, tapi sayang, orangnya jutek, juga sombong banget. Coba aja deh buat kenalan, siapa yang beruntung bisa berkencan gratis. hahahaaaaa